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Lifeguard Tryouts:

Maybe this is your first lifeguard qualification attempt, or maybe you are preparing for this year’s qualification after taking a season off. Either way, we would love to recommend a few training ideas to give you the best chance at the tryout. Whether you are nabbing a spot on the beach, or at the pool, the following lifeguard training recommendations will set you up for success. 

lifeguard tryout, lifeguard training, lifeguard qualification, lifeguard job

Start Training ASAP:

First off, Get in basic shape! Start your training at least a few months before the tryout. Endurance is crucial, and is not gained in a week or two of training. Rather, start slow and build into a consistent routine.

Physical performance makes an impression on your superiors because it is literally the difference between saving a victim, and being a second too late. Most lifeguards take pride in this aspect of the job and have their preferred weekly routine. A well rounded lifeguard training regiment includes a blend of cardio(both on land and in water), endurance, strength, and sport(surfing, kayaking, swimming, etc). 

Depending on where you are in your routine, it is best to begin by alternating between running and swimming each day. This gives your targeted muscles a chance to recover. Once you have a few weeks of consistent training, combine swimming and running in one workout. We love any and all workouts that resemble real-life rescues and/or the required tests for lifeguard qualifications. For this reason, a combination of long endurance runs and swims pair great with short sprints to simulate emergency responses.

Lifeguard Training Recommendations:

Combine any of the following examples for daily and weekly lifeguard training:

  • Beach jog 2-3 miles
  • Beach sprints 5 x 100 yards 
  • Ocean Swimming ~1000yrds (bodysurfing, and swimming under surf)
  • Lap Swimming 10 x 100 yards (moderate pace with 30 seconds rest)
  • Lap Swimming sprints 10 x 50 yards (as fast as possible)
  • Treading Water for 10 minutes

Remember, the sooner you begin your training, the more prepared you will be. Endurance and physical fitness are gained over time. For seasoned veterans, lifeguard training is a daily habit, practiced year in and year out. Earn your Salt!

lifeguard tryout, lifeguard training, lifeguard qualification, lifeguard job

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